Improving domestic household power consumption using an embedded IOT solution for applicance control and power analysis


With the high spike in electricity prices, many households are paying a lot of money for their electricity use, due mainly to appliances that consume a large amount of power, namely, a stove, geyser, oven etc. Along with this, many users in general do not know how much power each appliance is using and therefore can only wait until the next electricity billing invoice to view the total amount of electricity used.


I would like to develop a circuit that will read the current of an appliance and send this information over an MTTQ protocol. This circuit will as well have a relay to control the respective appliance. Integrating this as an IOT solution, a webserver will be created which will show the power conumption of an appliance in realtime and will have the ability to control it.

This solution poses great flexibility and ideas that can be incorporated in this project. For one, using AI and machine learning to determine the pattern of controlling the appliance to increase the efficiency of the total household power consumption for a given lifestyle. Another, this creates the opportunity to create an IOT system that is modular and does not rely on proprietry IOT software. For my project, I want to include these ideas to really show how awesome this idea can be!